

Bed Bug Survivors is a site highlighting the human experience of dealing with bed bug infestations. We share stories with the intent of spreading knowledge and awareness on bed bugs.

I first encountered bed bugs from buying a used futon from Craigslist. It made my life in a tiny studio apartment a living hell. I know firsthand the physical and psychological toll bed bugs can have, even after they’re gone from your life. This site is my way of fighting against them over a decade later by sharing and passing along knowledge where I can.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics on this site to understand site performance and how readers engage with our content.

Disclosure Policy

This site generates income through Amazon’s affiliate program, Google Adsense (Google advertisements), and our online store powered by Printify (a print-on-demand service). If you click an affiliate link or ad banner and buy a product, you help support this website’s maintenance costs. We use Amazon due to its credibility and reputation in the eCommerce space.

What we promise:

  • We’ll only offer affiliate products that are relevant to the topic, bed bugs!
  • We will not recommend a product just for the sake of money, as bed bugs require the best products - not the ones that pay people to push them more.
  • We will not let the compensation received influence the content or opinions expressed here.
  • Just like our blog, this disclosure policy is a work in progress. As the revenue streams evolve, so will our policy disclosure.

© 2023 Bed Bug Survivors. All rights reserved.